周三禱告会分享 (每周更新)

Note: Entries marked with ND are not delivered at prayer meetings.

  • 周三分享:異象中看到生命河如一福音網,神正在做修補工作,使我們能夠承受更多流失的羊(當前青少年設施的擴展確實是神的作為);不僅在教會整體,更在各牧區和小組做修補的工作,為復興做準備!(Alan Zhang)

  • 今早異夢中神啟示時候已經到了,祂將聚集我們之間的代禱者,提升他們禱告的精確度和覆蓋范圍,更有效的打擊魔 鬼,也提醒我們要為他們禱告,成為他們的保護遮蓋,使他們保持謙卑,不愛世界,行在圣潔光中。今早異夢中神召集生命河會眾,剛剛軍訓結束,人人戎裝在身, 開始發長槍。正好劉牧師帶領眾人求神賜下恩賜!神早已經知道,也已應允!(Alan Zhang)
  • 主說:“不要憂慮,不要害怕。懼怕人的陷入羅網。” 主又說:“不要憂慮,不要害怕。因我與你同在。” (Robert Huang)

  • 周 三分享:神提醒復興今年在生命河和個人生命成形深化的關鍵不僅在於禱告自潔,也在於互相真正饒恕赦免。“所以,你在祭壇上獻禮物的時候,若想起弟兄向你懷 怨,就把禮物留在壇前,先去同弟兄和好,然後來獻禮物。”(太5:23-24)讓我們不要自欺,心存僥幸,現在就開始與家人同工朋友和好,為合一而行動﹐ 不要錯過今年神復興的時機!(Alan Zhang)

  • 周三分享:為禱告的Open Heaven在生命河的逗留和擴展加火,不要停止禱告,迎接復興!神提醒祂必與我們同在,擊退仇敵攻擊,因為“埃及人不過是人,並不是神;他們的馬不過是 血肉,並不是靈。耶和華一伸手,那幫助人的必絆跌,那受幫助的也必跌倒,都一同滅亡。”(以賽亞書31:3)。祂永遠是曠野中開道路,沙漠中開江河的 神。(Alan Zhang)

  • 周三分享:2010地土轉化從生命河周圍開始。異象 中看到神要擴展生命河在Laurelwood街區的屬靈影響,而不是局限在教會之內。神提醒要持續為生 命河周圍的商家禱告,使他們不阻攔神的工作,因約柜停留在生命河而家人和事業都蒙福。讓我們持續禱告,水流不斷!(Alan Zhang)
  • 看到這世界上有許多不尋常的事正在發生,可靠的變得不可靠,很多事情可能會一發不可收拾。 我問神:你還在那裡嗎?神告訴我:看看我所造的。每天早晨,太陽還不是從東邊昇上來嗎?蘋果不是仍然落在地上嗎?我當然還在掌管這一切。神又啟示我詩 篇 32:6 “凡虔 誠人, 都當趁你(神)可尋找的時候禱告你,大水泛溢的時候, 必不能到他(尋求神的虔 誠 人)那裡 。”  32:7 “ 你是我藏身之處 . 你必保佑我脫離苦難, 以得救的樂歌, 四面環繞我 。” 這裡神在告訴我們, Pray to me when I am still available!  這訊息有著緊迫性。(我們當警醒,不斷地尋求神)阿門! (Robert Huang)

  • 周三分享: 神提醒為會眾同心合意強有力的信心禱告,以致完成2010年神對教會的托付。神不僅要把有需要的人帶到教會,更要賜下新的眼光看世界的需要,新的方法傳福 音,因為生命河的水有醫治果效,不僅醫治會眾,更醫治周圍世界。為此需要擴展事奉境界,外展觸摸周圍未信之民,在服事窮人的過程中靈命成長。越是動蕩,教 會越要興起站立。從今年起生命河將象明燈更被神挑旺在世人面前, 神必堅固我們的手,今年是生命河事奉進入更成熟的新期段開始。(Alan Zhang)
  • 在敬拜中,神問我他有多大, 我說你是無限的。 神說我比無限還要大。神又問我他有多小,我說原子電子已經是最小的了。神說我比這些還要小。 我的領受是神在告訴我 沒有一件事對他來說是太大或太小。 (呼求神, 他必幫助你, 拯救你!)(Robert Huang)

  • 周三分享:2008-10-01禱告會分享是神提醒 我們要擺陣站著,憑信心“滿處挖溝和獻祭”(王下3)。今天禱告時神說過去一年多生命河確實已經忠實的“滿處挖溝”(如擴展教會和場地)和”獻祭“(如 90天禱告),所以今年神將因著我們的信心”放水“,開始成就他的應許:”你們要在這谷中滿處挖溝;因為耶和華如此說:你們雖不見風,不見雨,這谷必滿了 水,使你們和牲畜有水喝。在耶和華眼中這還算為小事,他也必將摩押人交在你們手中。 “(王下3:16-18)因此2010將是從榮耀到榮耀的一年,神的手會一直推我們前行!(Alan Zhang)

  • 周三分享:神提醒我們要為手中已經有的感謝,也應許 必保守我們杯中的福份,誰也奪不走;我們和教會的資源(包括1177)之所以僅僅夠用,是因為它們只是 神給的種子,要憑信心撒種擴展才能豐收。異象中看到巨大的銀杯裝滿新酒,圣靈如鴿降臨,神已聽我們復興的禱告。同時看到1177屋頂打開,無數綠色小樹長 成,紛紛走出教會,布滿灣區,成為大群。讓我們為更多人憑信心撒種,從教會“走出去”擴展禱告!(Alan Zhang)

  • 周三分享: 問神為何2055沒有大動靜?異象中看到手中從正前方往回拉的長繩似乎沒有窮盡,其上挂着一片片方形金頁;繼而看到十架上同樣發光的金子。神 說此長繩代表我們90天的禱告,只要還沒結束,我們就要忠心禱告“拉”到底,不憑眼見,只憑單純的信心。每一個禱告在神眼中都是寶貴的金子,有國度性的价 值,將成就神在我們教會十字架的工作。神提醒說,從生命河建立到如今,那一次我們憑信心順服行動卻不蒙保守?神的意念高過我們的意念,神的道路高過我們的 道路。讓我們全力禱告,全力奉獻,忠心完成90天的功課! (Alan Zhang)
  • 周三分享: 新年已經過了兩個星期, 好像還沒什令人興奮的新事發生。這幾天我為新的一年禱告,尤其是過去的一天裡,更不斷 求神來 顯明他的心意。 我的領受是詩篇37章7節和9 節。“你當默然倚靠耶和華、耐性等候他”,“惟有等候耶和華的、必承受地土。” 我相信神必以他的方式和時間來成就所應許的,祗要我們專心地依靠他。(Robert Huang)
  • 周三分享: 在敬拜中,我看到一隻蟬由土裏而出,停在樹枝上,快要脫殼,蛻變成一隻帶有翅膀的蟬。我的領受是,神要我們更新而變化,不再根據舊有的經驗來人認識神,體 驗神的愛。神也給我一段經文:你們卻要在至聖的真道上造就自己、在聖靈裡禱告(猷大書20) (Shirley Chang)

  • 周三分享: 異象中神啟示2010年生命河將要象一面巨大飛舞的紅旗被插在山頂,神在其中的工作將展現在世人面前(紅色代表神的權柄);神啟示我們今年要為灣區貧 窮的人禱告,幫助他們,同時也要為培養復興骨干人才禱告。所給印證經文是以賽亞書11章,實在奇妙 - 11:10 到那日,耶西的根立作萬民的大旗;外邦人必尋求他,他安息之所大有榮耀。 (Alan Zhang)  
  • 周三分享: 今天是新年第一次禱告會,敬拜的時候我求問神對未來的一年有那些話要啟示我們的。 我的領受是:神要我們過聖潔的生活, 因為神是聖潔的神; 神也要我們有單純的心,順服他的帶領。 在他的儲藏室裡他為我們每個人準備了許多美好的事物。我們單純的順從他的帶領,他會在他所定的時間裡帶我們去領取,絕不會錯過。(Robert Huang)

  • 周三分享1:神提醒我們 - 張開屬靈的眼睛,擴展你屬靈的視野,邁出眼前信心的一步,神就會把下一步顯明! ~ 撒母耳記下22:37 你使我腳下的地步寬闊;我的腳未曾滑跌。 (Alan Zhang)
  • 周三分享2:神說現在正是奉獻的時候!異象中見到神開來新的Pickup Truck,我們每個人拿一紅磚順次疊起天梯,搖擺間直到天上。原以為實在不多,沒想到天梯傾倒時紅磚堆滿卡車。神要我們憑信心給出手頭的不多,當神的時 機到了,祂會滿滿的補足!(Alan Zhang)

  • 周三分享1:今天神給一個異象,一個異夢(二乃見 證), 提醒在神領生命河擴張時保守合一的重要性。異象中見到神正在生命河做“深挖井”的工作,擴展我們境界,為的是出水更多更甜。在淘沙的過程難免有時井水渾濁 “看不清”,讓我們警醒禱告,默契配合,保守在聖靈中的合一,等水再次清晰後眾人將明白神的作為。 (Alan Zhang)
  • 周三分享2:異夢中見到神正在現有生命河重新"裝修“,調整”家里“格局,總覺空間有限。神提醒要保守"年幼時”一起成長的友誼,不要給紛爭留地 步。也為眾人禱告,能開屬靈耳朵聽見神復興的話語。神同時也要親自為我們斷開四圍阻攔,突破現有自以為的局限,讓生命河福音工作進出更暢快。 (Alan Zhang)
  • 周三分享3:敬拜時唱到“神國度”時聽到神說要祝福我們個人的財政,異象中看到神把一四方形白紙放在右口袋,(四方形代表神國度),神要我們每個人憑信心拿出,填上樂意的數目,神必悅納。(Alan Zhang)
  • 周三分享:或許在過去6個月,一年或更久以來 你們為一些事禱告 一直沒成就,甚至有神的應許 可是遲遲未到。或許你們為2055 購買的事禱告很久了,你們感到疲倦,感到累了。今天 我不斷地領受一個訊息, 那就是 “不可丟棄勇敢的心, 就快到了,真的就快到了”。領受的經文是希伯來書10: 35-- “你們不可丟棄勇敢的心.存這樣的心必得大賞賜 。你們必須忍耐、使你們行完了神的旨意、就可以得著所應許的 。” 弟兄姐妹們,如果你累了,現在就求那賜力量的神賜給你力量,不要丟棄勇敢的心努力向前,就快到了,真的快到了。(Robert Huang)

  • 周三分享1:會前進入生命河,覺得神已賜下新的恩 膏;敬拜時異象中看到神已把生命河整體提升到新的屬靈高度,禱告將更有果效;禱告中看到天使環繞生命河上空,對著會眾吹角,神將要開啟眾人屬靈眼睛,全新 明白神的復興計劃。這一切皆因神已回應上周我們信心的行動。機不可失!(Alan Zhang)
  • 周三分享2:異象中看到一大手從天賜下一嶄新小學生用木尺,另有一紙卷用白絲緞條緊系其上。神要重新帶領生命河(全體和個人)丈量所給屬靈疆界, 將有新的啟示和帶領。讓我們謙卑順服聖靈帶領,不拘泥于當前所有,重新經歷神新的帶領和供應。如劉牧師所言,在新的七年,神必有新作為,因祂是做新事的 神!(Alan Zhang)

  • 異象中看到夜空中群星燦爛,有一兩條繩子結成的天梯 從天而降,隨風搖擺,上不見頂,下不見底;劉牧師領眾人往上爬。神啟示生命河現在的發展方向 只有一個,就是向上,向神的寶座前進!停滯則無力逗留,后退不可能也危險,反而因往上走,天梯可以騰出更多空位,領更多人進天國并上升到屬靈高原。“群 星”代表歷代眾聖徒見證,神鼓勵我們效仿前賢跟隨耶穌,成為信心的榜樣之一。生命河的水不可阻擋,讓我們順復興之水推舟,回應神的呼召,全心投入復興的行 列!(Alan Zhang)
  • 今天下午我與神有一個非常有意思的對話。 在禱告中我看見一個金燈台。 我不明白是什麼意思就問神。 神啟示我去讀啟示錄1:20 “七燈臺就是七個教會。” 這個金燈台就是我們的教會. 七燈臺代表教會七個屬靈的景況。 當我問神我們的教會是在哪一個景況,神告訴我是第一個教會的景況,也就是以弗所教會。 以弗所教會勞碌、忍耐,分辨真假,純正,并為耶穌的名勞苦而不疲倦。 以弗所是當時羅馬帝國的商業中心之一, 我們的教會位於矽谷,是世界科技的中心。

    當我繼續讀到啟示錄2:4時, 神說: “然而有一件事我要責備你、就是你把起初的愛心離棄了。” 我不禁在神面前哭泣。 我開始去回想剛信主時(單純愛主)的光景。 我求神光照這個教會的每個人,讓我們想起并找回起初的愛心,把這單純愛主的心再一次放在神的腳前。(Robert Huang)

  • 神先給雅各書4章,提醒看生命河標志,生命河之上乃 是十字架:在復興的河流極大涌流之前,必先有十字架的工作!神要我們為更多會眾背 起十字架禱告,單有少數人是不夠的,復興的信心是全體會眾的總和。2055確實是教會擴展關鍵一步,但神更要十字架工作在會眾中成形才讓我們進入復興下一 波!(Alan Zhang)
  • 雅各書4章,特別是第7節, 故此你們要順服神。務要抵擋魔鬼,魔鬼就必離開你們逃跑了。(Alan Zhang)
  • 在異象中看見我們的教會是一艘大船上面裝載很多,因為船又大又重,只有兩根槳在滑行所以行進的很慢。看見我們旁邊有一艘輕便的小船,有很多人在划 槳就划的 很快。當我們看見別的船划的很快而我們的船不怎麼動的時候心裡就急了。我感覺到神說為 2055 project 禱告的90天分為三個階段,第一個階段是神看我們每一個人都是器皿,來到神的面前藉著禱告潔淨自己。第二個階段是我們要連結在一起同心禱告,第三個階段是 神要大大的作工。神給了約書亞記第六章的經節,主要的經文是6:13-15,裡面說到在攻耶利哥城的時候,神要以色列兵丁繞城六天什麼都不做,是因為要他 們繞城的時候使每一個人都能同心合意的連結在一起,神也要我們像繞耶利哥城一樣向著這個project 前進。雖然第二個階段好像沒有什麼太大的動靜,神會在第三個階段 (就是攻耶利哥城的第七天) 將這城交給我們。(Migi Liu)
  • 在敬拜中我看見一艘小的木船,其上有桅桿,靜靜的在海上。緊接著又看到一艘船身很大的船,起初沒有槳,後來兩邊各加上三個槳,桅杆上的帆也被風吹 起,船身 開始飄動。也看到大人、小孩跪著,頭俯俯伏在地禱告。 神啟示我,我們要多多的禱告,乘著聖靈的風,教會才有動力往前行。 (Shirley Chang/ND)

  • 今早異夢:在為2055禱告 的過程中,神要擴展和修正我們教會每一個人的屬靈視野,帶領我們進入國度性復興和普世豐收的異象,而不為 局限於本教會和個人。2055得地為業將是國度性異象成形的標志。神提醒我們不要忘記:”那在你們裡面的,比那在世界上的更大。"(約一4:4) 在動蕩中神將再一次彰顯祂本為大,帶領生命河全體突破!祂的意念確實超過我們的意念,祂的道路超過我們道路,祂是獨行其事的神!敬拜異象看到神為生命河預 備的河床極其寬廣,而且水流不斷,等待神放大水!(Alan Zhang)
  • 今天神清楚地啟示 以斯帖8:4 “王向以斯帖伸出金杖,以斯帖就起來,站在王前。” 這是王第二次向以斯帖伸出金杖。 第一次是以斯帖經過三天禁食之後進宮見王,王向以斯帖伸出金杖 (帖5:2否則不得存活,是恩典)。 神第一次向我們伸出金杖是今年七月底買2055時,讓我們轉憂為喜。現在他喜悅我們所獻上的,再一次伸出金杖(恩典), 我們只要來到他面前把我們所要的向他陳述就好了。 (Robert Huang)


  • 敬拜異象中看到生命河的禱告會靈里在灣區發出極大的光,照亮四周。神提醒我們教會處在灣區中心的復興旋風眼,鼓勵我們成為眾教會信心的榜樣之一,為灣區帶來祝福和復興!(Alan Zhang)
  • Against all odds的恩膏不僅突破(走出埃及地),更是收割(進入應許地)。神提醒:生命河要領受“与主同工一起收割的喜樂”,因為現在是神國歡喜收割的季節 (Mar 4:29 穀既熟了,就用鐮刀去割,因為收成的時候到了)這收割在生命河包括物業和人數的收割!90天禱告為2055打下屬靈地基,成為生命河站立的另一腳。(Alan Zhang)

  • 神提醒,ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE在神沒有難成的事! 復興的恩膏已經降下,神要提升我們復興的信心。當越來越多的會眾領取如劉牧師的信心,神在生命河的工作將進入新階段 - 火一樣的圣潔同在,神跡奇事,以及可以感染的復興熱情!過去神興起一群普通的人帶下復興,今日生命河的會眾處在同樣關口,將隨聖靈引導進入復興水深之處, 感謝神給我們這樣機會!神提醒我們要潔凈自己, 讓代禱更有效(Jas 3:11 泉源從一個眼裡能發出甜苦兩樣的水嗎?) (Alan Zhang)
  • 神啟示我的經文是以賽 亞 書 56:7 “我必領他們到我的聖山, 使他們在禱告我的殿中喜樂.他們的燔祭 、和平安祭 、在我壇上必蒙悅納.因我的殿必稱為萬民禱告的殿 。” 在領受這經文之前, 我看到一個異像, 在異像中我看到“我的殿必稱為萬民禱告的殿” (寫成上下倆行,立體字)在前面,後面空一段距離,然後才是我們所求的東西 (排成一堆)。 我又清楚地領受到神要我們帶著一顆清潔的心到他面前禱 告。他的殿要保持潔凈有序。 我們這樣行,我們的獻祭 也就是我們的禱 告神必悅納也必應允。 (Robert Huang)
  • 在異象中看見劉牧師帶著一群人在爬一座很高的水塔,想要取水救急滅火,接著看見劉牧師坐在一個有瀑布噴泉的公園裡納涼。我感覺神給我們的供應是不僅僅夠用 的,甚至是可以建成一個花園可充分的享受,我感覺神說耶和華大能的膀臂從不縮短,等候耶和華的必不羞愧。(Migi Liu)
  • 神問:為復興你愿意付什么代價?如果只是我們其中單單一個人,再大的代價也 不夠。只有我們同心交上五餅二 魚的功課,復興才會彰顯。經節是可3:33(都是3,代表合一)耶稣回答说:谁是我的母亲?谁是我的弟兄?神著重會眾合一,要我們珍惜神家人的位分,與神 同工(3:35, 凡遵行神旨意的人就是我的弟兄姐妹和母亲了) (Alan Zhang)
  • Isa 43:19 看哪,我要做一件新事;如今要發現,你們豈不知道嗎?我必在曠野開道路,在沙漠開江河。 (Robert Huang)
  • 尼希米記4:4-6 我們的 神阿、求你垂聽、因為我們被藐視,求你使他們的毀謗歸於他們的頭上、使他們在擄到之地作為掠物.不要遮掩他們的罪孽、不要使他們的罪惡從你面前塗 抹,因為他們在修造的人眼前惹動你的怒氣。這樣、我們修造城牆、城牆就都連絡、高至一半、因為百姓專心作工。(Migi Liu)
  • 敬拜異象中見耶穌手持巨大鐮刀站立在會眾右邊,前方無垠的金黃成熟稻田,眾 人信心滿滿,充滿豐收氣息。聚會前一翻就到神給經 文,Isa 55:11我口所出的話也必如此,決不徒然返回,卻要成就我所喜悅的,在我發他去成就(發他去成就:或作所命定)的事上必然亨通。 神2009Against all odds話語已經在生命河扎根發芽,“你們必歡歡喜喜而出來,平平安安蒙引導。。。這要為耶和華留名,作為永遠的證據,不能剪除”(Isa 55:12-13)。 (Alan Zhang)
  • 敬拜的時候在異象中,看到有同工好像在服事當中非常的努力爬到了一個山頂,但是在那裡空氣稀 薄情況也非常的艱難,連所攜帶的養氣罩也不能用了。我感覺神說: 詩篇46:10你們要休息、要知道我是神。然後看見他掛上了降落傘往下跳,神要這個人不用自己的方法,而是倚靠神、憑靠神的供應。看見有一條紅色的彩帶拉 著降落傘幫助那人順利的降落,神說要以得救的樂歌四面環繞。神給我的經節是詩篇46:1-3神是我們的避難所、是我們的力量、是我們在患難中隨時的幫助。 所以地雖改變、山雖搖動到海心、其中的水雖匉訇翻騰、山雖因海漲而戰抖、我們也不害怕。 (Migi Liu)
  • 為2055禱告時領受的異象; 有很多水晶塊從竹做的水管中流下來,劉彤牧師從中間截取但是拿到的只是有限的一小部份,後來劉牧師到水管的底部去收集,所有的水晶都沒有流失、供劉牧師取 用。Alan's 解釋: 水晶是智慧,讓更多的人參與禱告提供 劉牧師智慧的建議。(約伯記28:18珊瑚、水晶、都不足論、智慧的價值勝過珍珠。歌羅西書2:2-3...使他們真知神的奧秘、就是基督.所積蓄的一切 智慧知識、都在他裡面藏著。) (Migi Liu)
  • 領受的經文是弗6:13-18 戴上全副軍裝。神讓 我看到的是在磨難的日子要持守真理和公義,不可因心懷不平而做惡。持守信心, 讀神的話并多思想神的話, 還要多禱告。 如此就可在困難中得勝,有喜樂和平安。 (Robert Huang)
  • 禱告會異象中看到會眾同心建造教會,宣揚神話語,眾人的禱告成為一道護城 之活水,并由所支持的宣教士流入萬國.求神厚待我們的教會,問神有何吩咐,"老老實實讀聖經,聽聖靈的話,擴展神國度" - 神對生命河的期待. Mat 5:12 應當歡喜快樂,因為你們在天上的賞賜是大的。(Alan Zhang)

  • 動蕩之時神的教會和子民興起發聲甚是欣慰,但神提醒 若沒有愛,就只是定罪而已。神要再次賜下加倍的敬拜讚美恩膏,釋放祂的子民,在愛中為世人代求。詩篇113:2 (耶和華的名是應當稱頌的,從今時直到永遠)就是神給的敬拜策略;結果就是神的子民得供應(113:7),教會工作有果效(113:8),得救人數增加 (113:9)(Alan Zhang)

  • 賽5:13(所以,我的百姓因無知就被擄去;他們的尊貴人甚是飢餓,群眾極其乾渴) (Alan Zhang)
  • 領受到神要我們常存謙卑的心,常親近神。“親近我的, 我必親近他”。 (Robert Huang)

  • 分享以斯帖3:11(王對哈曼說:這銀子仍賜給你, 這民也交給你,你可以隨意待他們)。神提醒未來動蕩不僅是經濟,也有政治和各種環 境的考驗。神號召我們為眾教會和神子民禱告·,“不跪不拜”假神(3:2)。異象中看到生命河如方舟,神恩膏同在,不僅收容流離失所的未信之民,也成為許 多沒有“家”信徒的遮蓋。(Alan Zhang)

  • 創世紀32:21 “於是禮物先 過去了。創世紀32章紀載雅各帶著妻小回迦南地。 他害怕他的哥哥以掃報復,就準備禮物 要送給以掃。 我的領受是我們與配偶,家人,朋友或同事如有摩擦,現在是和好的時候。先主動釋出善意。神必祝福 你和你們的關系。 敬拜時看見好多購物袋, 大部分裝著女人的用品,弟兄們是應該注意了。 (Robert Huang)

  • 異象中看到耶穌微笑接受敬拜,眾人信心充滿,靈體發 光;接著兩個天使提著圣潔公義的白袍子,逐個披在信徒身上,最后披在教會上面(后 來師母真的分享到撒加利亞3:4) 接著分享詩篇121:3-4,神提醒我們說不要忘記我們每一個都是祂從千萬人中的揀選,也不要忘記我們生命成長的每一步祂都與我們同行。從生命河一開始神 的眼目從來沒有離開過我們教會。雖然有時我們不明白祂要做什么,我們卻要相信接受祂的保護。生命河教會已進入一個信心整合的階段,神呼召我們成為這一世代 信心的榜樣。 (Alan Zhang)
  • 今天在為 2055 籌款的事情禱告的時候,看見一大箱的橘子送到我們當中,是從神來的供應。在把橘子從箱子中倒出來的時候,只有幾顆掉了出來,其餘的都卡在箱子裡面。我詢問 神要如何才能夠全部倒出來?神說要把箱子搖一搖就可全部倒出來。我感覺到神要我們有合一的心、同心合意的愛教會、為2055 的籌款禱告搖動神的手,神的供應便會臨到。(Migi Liu)

  • 今早醒來異象中看到“4:16”,乃太4:16,那 坐在黑暗裡的百姓看見了大光;坐在死蔭之地的人有光發現照著他們。神借太4:16啟示生命河將進入新階段,從前階段建立榮耀的教會(“坐在黑暗裡的百姓看 見了大光”),到下階段醫治地土和死亡權勢下的百姓("坐在死蔭之地的人有光發現照著他們"),醫治的恩膏將彰顯,神將供應所復興需要 (Alan Zhang)
  • 我今天領受的經文是哥後3:5 “並不是我們憑自己能承擔什麼事, 我們所能承擔的乃是出于神。” 這話是對我們教會說的也是對服事神的弟兄姐妹說的。 教會的各種需要神必定供應,服事神的弟兄姐妹有疲乏的可求賜力量的神加力量給你們。 (Robert Huang)
  • 在異象中看見一個飛的很快的飛彈 (missile) 向前直行,我的領受是在舊約的時候神用雲柱火柱帶領以色列人,現在神是用飛彈一般的聖靈引導我們。看見我們一開始用手抓住那飛彈並且蹲在飛彈上面害怕的樣 子,後來就看見我們輕鬆自在的站在飛彈上很有信心,神要我們憑著信心、順著聖靈的帶領抓住神的應許。(Migi Liu)

  • 神讓分享但3:4 (那時傳令的大聲呼叫說:各方、各國、各族的人哪,有令傳與你們)見到Mark Geppert開始明白,且頭兩首歌都講神榮耀彰顯萬國,感謝主!四面八方皆震動,神命令教會興起發光!生命河萬國之家的異象將進入新階段,因為神“有令 傳與你們”!(Alan Zhang)

  • 今天神要我分享但以理書12:11。撒旦要借著動蕩使教會“從除掉常獻的燔祭,並設立那行毀壞可憎之物”,神卻使信徒們“被熬煉”,感謝主,“必有許多人使自己清淨潔白”!鼓勵“你且去等候結局,因為你必安歇。到了末期,你必起來,享受你的福分”


    神提醒我們在動蕩中仍要“常獻燔祭”(為主而活。成為活祭),“等候結局,因為你必安歇。到了末期,你必起來,享受你的福分。”, “必有許多人使自己清淨潔白,且被熬煉;但惡人仍必行惡,一切惡人都不明白,惟獨智慧人能明白。” (但以理12) (Alan Zhang)

  • The Lord gave me the verses in the book of Jonah 2:7. " When my life is ebbing away, I remember you, Lord, and my prayer rose to you to your holy temple." I shared the message with the assembly that the Lord wants us to come to Him for true peace. Especially in the time of confusion and turbulence, pray to Him and quiet before Him is the only way to find the way out and to obtain the strength to sustain yourself. Still, you will know that He is God. (Belinda shared a message of how perseverance and persistence will bring us closer to God and eventually meet with Him in the holy of the holy. When we meet with Him every day face to face, we will live a victorious life.)  (Robert Huang)


  • 神号召我们在今晚禱告会進一步提升對神跡奇事的信心,領受醫治恩膏!(Alan Zhang)
  • The Lord wanted me to read the book of Esther. As I prayed to Him after reading the book, He gave me the word of "Turning sorrow into joy". This will be reflected in the current situation of our church and that of many in the congregation. As of that day, our church was in the final stage of negotiating with the seller for the property on Laurelwood 2055. (Robert Huang)

  • (7代表完全,15代表恩典)異象:一个屬靈旋风 眼已在生命河興起,神却按着不动,提升加温会众復興的信心;神醫治的翅膀将覆盖教 會,醫治神迹将不断!耶穌再次造訪周三禱告會,首次察覺是在第二首歌,似乎祂已坐在邊門首排(后來劉師母的位置)享受敬拜一陣;來拜訪的張牧師見證:當其 時他唱到"舉起我的心敬拜你,胸口悶痛頓時被醫治 (Alan Zhang)


  • I was prompted to read the verse of 2 Corinthian 9:6 as I was praying before the meeting.
    The verse says: "Remember this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously."

    Pastor Tong said it in the last LL conference that his and ROLCC's success were brought about with a secret weapon. That secret weapon is the workers (volunteers) stood on the stage. Indeed ROLCC is a church that is generous on giving time and money. And so the church is greatly blessed by a lot of wonderful things because of her generosity.

    I feel now is the begining of a new season. The begining of this new season is like the spring time of a year when people sow. That is why our Lord reminds us of sowing generously so we will reap generously at the time of harvesting (or the end of the season).  (Robert Huang)

  • As I was praying for the church's building project (phase 2) and possible purchase of the building on 2055 Laurelwood, the Lord gave me a quite different picture of what it will be.I was given the idea of a city, a God's city, not just a few buildings. He wants to use our church and our hands to build a God's city. To begin with, we will have to construct a city wall. The wall will be built in sections and then, connected to form a complete, enclosed wall.

    I was given the verse in Nehemiah 4:6 " so we rebuilt the wall till all of it reached half its height, for people worked with all their heart."

    Then, the verses in Nehemiah 4:16-18. " The officers posted themselves behind all the people of Judah who were building the wall. Those who carried materials did their work with one hand and held a weapon in the other and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked. But the man who sound the trumpet stayed with me."

    To build the wall to its half height is the easier part. Yet to complete the second half will take much more efforts and involve furious attacks from the enemies. At that time the highest church leader will need to have a trumpet blower by his side. My interpretation of the trumpet blower is a watchman, a person signals warning of danger to the flock.

    I felt the fill of the Lord's spirit as I shared this message. Praise the Lord!  (Robert Huang)

2009-05-03 (Worship Night)
  • 異夢中聖靈降下恩 雨,我發現自己淚水真的成河,驚奇自己也能如“善哭的婦人”:神應許賜下釋放的恩膏,除去屬靈重擔,使我們暢快進入 復興行列!同時聖靈也揭示:我們需要更深經歷聖靈的工作,熟悉祂的運作,否則當神的靈大大運行在我們當中時,我們會措手不及,甚至被”冒犯“!(Alan Zhang)

2009-04-29 (Healing & Prophetic Night)
  • 實在是屬靈盛宴,聖靈大大運行,分賜恩膏(智慧和啟示的靈,方言恩賜,和醫治恩賜,還有還有幾個有預言恩賜) (Alan Zhang)


  • H.S. leads me to pray for " 靈糧特會". I see 在天上一玉瓶,緩緩流出許多膏油 在會場. 許多隻手爭先恐後去摸膏油. 我聽到  神說 " 盛况空前 ". I feel 這次特會參加人數及 神的膏抹是前所未有. (Psalm Liu)    

  • I see a brother 坐在一房子屋頂上. 望著四周的大水. 在他房子同圍有圓形石塊圍起似堤坊般. 神說 : 賽 41:10  " So do not be fear, for I am with you;do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  詩 32:6~7 "Therefore let everyone who is godly pray to you while you may be found;surely when the  mighty waters rise, they will not reach him. You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance." (Psalm Liu)

  • I received two words from the Lord today:"New" and "Grace". My impression is He will do something new among us with His grace and mercy. The new grace is not what we worked hard to earn but simply given by the Lord due to our faithfulness in the time of difficulty. He did not forget about us and our struggles and now is the time He is taking actions to lift us up. He did not forget about us simply because we trusted in Him at time seemed to be no way out.

    I was also given the passage of Psalm 12:5: "Because of the oppression of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise" says the Lord. "I will protect them from those who malign them." My impression of the message is that the Lord is reaching out His hand NOW and draw those in needs out of deep water.   (Robert Huang)

  • 在禱告的時候,異象中看見許多的紙箱搬到了教會的禱告會裡面,當箱子打開的時候,鴿子從裡面飛出來,落在每一個人的頭上,而我們每一個人都背著一個屬於自 己的銀色十字架。我覺得神要供應我們豐富的屬靈資源,神會針對每一個人所面對的不同情況,賜予不同的帶領和膏抹,幫助我們走成聖的道路。然後在異象中又看 見我們又背著十字架,經過一些需要彎腰低頭才走得過去的道路,最後到了一個山頂,耶穌在巨大的銀色十字架面前等著我們。在眾聖徒被提到空中、成為了一個巨 大的身體之前,我們背的銀色十字架就變成了金色的十字架勳章,別在每一個人的胸前。透過這個異象,我覺得神鼓勵我們持守那喜樂的盼望,就是將來必有榮耀迎 接我們,在末世的時候被提到空中與主相遇 (帖前4:17 parousia) 。現在有一些人好像經歷一些困難,但是這些努力是不會白費的,因為現在的艱難會成為將來獎賞我們的勳章。(Migi Liu)

2009-03-25 (Healing & Prophetic Night)
  • During the Jesus vision it was perceived that *ROLCC will be given a much higher degree of anointing to call up the Bride for the Second Coming*. Obviously certain churches have been given this type of anointing and sometimes it seems others with different anointings have a hard time understanding the true Passion for Jesus. This time, ROLCC will be given this divine Passion for Jesus as well, and it will further the cause of existing apostolic anointing, ensuring the outbreak of Signs and Wonders among us. (Alan Zhang)

  • Key to Revival Resources given to ROLCC: I was shown a golden key coming to the meeting and perceived it was a key to revival. With this key, not only ROLCC will open the door for the Living Water to flow, but also we will be able to get access to resources stored up by God for the revival! (Alan Zhang)

  • I saw in the spirit ROLCC is about to "boil" into next stage and the only thing hindering this corporate revival is the generally lacking of God's Presence in each one's life. Surely God wants every one to revival but not only co-workers. We need to work on a) Fear of the Lord, coming from intimacy of God, and seeing His Work! b) corporate experience of God's experience (Alan Zhang)

2009-01-28 (Healing & Prophetic Night)
  • Th Holy Spirit indicated it was our hearts, particularly Bro's, that God wanted to change ("giving our hearts to Jesus"). In Year 2009, we must change our hearts from being "poor widow"(窮寡婦) to "owner of harvests"(莊稼主)! A simple change of heart("altitude") goes a long way: Godly spiritual perspective will raise up the faith and move things positively. (Alan Zhang)
  • Deu 7:13, 16 他必愛你,賜福與你,使你人數增多,也必在他向你列祖起誓應許給你的地上賜福與你身所生的,地所產的,並你的五穀、新酒,和油,以及牛犢、羊羔。 耶和華你神所要交給你的一切人民,你要將他們除滅;你眼不可顧惜他們。你也不可事奉他們的神,因這必成為你的網羅。 (Alan Zhang)
  • We are already in revival: The revival in the eye of God has already started when ROLCC was established. Unbeknown to the world and even us, we have always stayed on the path of Revival until now. At times it seems we are merely fighting to stand up, but the Spirit says "I know what I am doing." It would be a revival unlike any previous revival, a revival w/ a Chinese "flavor". This revival of us will reach a high point in 3-4 years, and the world will notice. (Alan Zhang)
  • 在禱告時, 我看見一根長方形, 白色的柱子, 頂在天, 地之間. 神靈給了我Psa 46:1-3((可拉後裔的詩歌,交與伶長。調用女音。)神是我們的避難所,是我們的力量,是我們在患難中隨時的幫助。 所以,地雖改變,山雖搖動到海心,其中的水雖匉訇翻騰,山雖因海漲而戰抖,我們也不害怕。(細拉)) and 賽 9:6(神是奇妙策士, 全能的神, 永在的父, 和平的君." 尋求神的策略, 相信神的大能, 享受天父的慈愛 ) 完全交托, 衪的平安必與我們同在. (Psalm Liu)
  • 耶利米書29:11 耶和華說、我知道我向你們所懷的意念、是賜平安的意念、不是降災禍的意念、要叫你們末後有指望。 (Migi Liu)

  • 我 看見一個弟兄一個人站着, 很孤單, 很徬徨無助, 他卻不知道他的身後邊站着好些大能天使. (I shared) 約14:18 " I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." 我又感動 : 在會眾中有些人在 2007 認獻 2008的信心認獻, 因大環境改變, 有些耽心而沒做. 神靈說 :加 6:7 " Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. (Psalm Liu)
  • He is God of Love and ROLCC is a church of giving. God's happy w/ our giving in faith(respons to Sunday Dec 14's giving action). However in the future our faith of giving will be severely tested both at individual and corporate levels. Unless we have the faith of poor widow (as in Elijah's story) we will not pass. Yet, the Spirit asked to share John 5:17(耶穌就對他們說:「我父做事直到如今,我也作事。) and exhort us to follow Jesus and never stop the Work! (Alan Zhang)
  • Visitation of Jesus: As if to confirm this message, when the worship started I heard angels worshiping and singing w/ the congregation. After a while I felt myself inside warmth undescericeable and then saw Jesus walking among us to anoint people. I saw him anointed Ps Jospeh amomg others. I feel indeed 2009 will be special such that Jesus visited the meeting and anointed us for a Purpose. (Alan Zhang)
  • The Harvest has started, and God is separating the chaff from the wheat. He has allowed the chaff to grow in past years, now it's time to burn the chaff in order to Harvest, hence the Shaking. He has first started in 2006 (as I shared here, "Year of Fire") in His family in which many sins inside the Church were exposed, and moved on to the world. The Spirit says we need not be afraid because surly the seed of revival will be preserved for us. We need to boldly cross the Jordan, leaving the chaff in our life behind. A key verse of Deut. 11:13 is given (你們若留意聽從我今日所吩咐的誡命,愛耶和華你們的神,盡心盡性事奉他) (Alan Zhang)
  • 在異象中看見耶穌站在禱告會的最前面,耶穌面向著會眾,祂的眼中所看見的弟兄姊妹們身上都鑲嵌著寶石。然後我看見耶穌走到會眾當中,將火苗放在有些人的手 中,還有將一把砂土帶著發芽的種子放在一些人的手中,也有的人拿到了鉛筆,有些人拿到的是針筒。我覺得神看每一個人都寶貴,神要藉今天的聚會當中提醒大 家,祂要分賜傳福音的火種,分賜結生命果子的服事能力,分賜用文字服事主的恩賜,還有分賜醫病的恩賜。若是聖靈感動你什麼服事,特別是今晚的感動,"我深 信那在你們心裡動了善工的、必成全這工、直到耶穌基督的日子。" (腓1:6) (Migi Liu)

  • The essence of message given to me is ROLCC shall flow forward in face of obstacles ahead. Like how water flows around a rock, the river of life must not stop but bypass any obstacles in its course, because God reminded, "I AM your Source". We must be very careful in picking our "fights" and know the season and time for all things(Spirit of wisdom and revelation) The key is maintaining the momentum to "roll" forward and don't get stuck in one place. New doors will be opened daily, we must be mindful of spiritual change happening all the time and adjust accordingly, which led to the need to know the overall spiritual environment (Alan Zhang)

  • Given Deu 3:25 (求你容我過去,看約但河那邊的美地,就是那佳美的山地和利巴嫩) The Holy Spirit is encouraging people in ROLCC to press on to get into the Promised Land. (Alan Zhang)
  • Isa 45:2-3 我必在你前面行,修平崎嶇之地。我必打破銅門,砍斷鐵閂。 我要將暗中的寶物和隱密的財寶賜給你,使你知道提名召你的,就是我耶和華、以色列的神。(Psalm Liu)

  • The verse number 2Co 7:5 (我們從前就是到了馬其頓的時候,身體也不得安寧,周圍遭患難,外有爭戰,內有懼怕。*但那安慰喪氣之人的神藉著提多來安慰了我們; 不但藉著他來,也藉著他從你們所得的安慰,安慰了我們;因他把你們的想念、哀慟,和向我的熱心,都告訴了我,叫我更加歡喜。 ) was given before the Wed meeting and it turned out to be the theme of the night. I saw a quick vision of the visiting pastor carrying a about 10-feet high dark cross with golden glistering dots and starting to falter, then some of our brethren went to help him support the cross to stand straight. I felt we are to be Titus to comfort him ad stand w/ him. It's also great to hear ROLCC team (Belinda) has visited his church last year. I felt the HS is asking us to stand w/ the ministries we support even more in spirit, sharing their burden even more spiritually and provide a spiritual base for them to lean back on in their fields. (Alan Zhang)


  • Given Mal 3:10-11, 4:5 (萬軍之耶和華說:你們要將當納的十分之一全然送入倉庫,使我家有糧,以此試試我,是否為你們敞開天上的窗戶,傾福與你們,甚至無處可容。萬軍之耶和華 說:我必為你們斥責蝗蟲(原文作吞噬者),不容他毀壞你們的土產。你們田間的葡萄樹在未熟之先也不掉果子。 ...看哪,耶和華大而可畏之日未到以前,我必差遣先知以利亞到你們那裡去。* Mal 4:6 他必使父親的心轉向兒女,兒女的心轉向父親,免得我來咒詛遍地。) I was given Mat 3:10 & 4:5 to share well before the weekend of Oct 11-12, and turned out they are the answer from God to two things happened: a) Mat 3:11 for the Mission Pledge on Oct 12, b) Mat 4:5 for the new prophetic coworker training. (Alan Zhang)

  • During worship, I had a vision of a cross that glowed in the dark.  The cross emited warm and soft white light in a completely dark surroundings.  Its was like a star hanging in the sky.  Then, I saw another cross that glowed and another one and another one and another one.  As the view zoomed out, I saw hundreds, maybe thousands of the glowing crosses in the sea of darkness.
    Earlier in the afternoon, the Lord reminded me of the verse of Psalm 43:3.   Then, the word came when worshiping. The Lord said to me "this is a (period of ) time of darkness". "You curl at a corner in the vast darkness.  You are totally overwhelmed by fear and despair, not knowing where to go and what to do.  However, you can always turn to me and I will shine the light upon your path, so you may know what direction to head and where you may step your feet on."  As I witnessed the vision of glowing crosses before the assembly, I also reiterate the word before them.  

    That evening, Pastor Tong gave a sermon on Psalm 46:1-7.(Robert Huang)

  • The main points shared: Do not doubt God's plan in our life in face of difficult time, and do not move outside God's will and protection (Stay our appointed positions lest we miss the revival & Always remember Christ is the Head and we the Body) The verse to share was 2 King 3:22(次日早晨,日光照在水上,摩押人起來,看見對面水紅如血) In the midst of coming turmoils, we shall do a few things: a) prepare naturally(滿處挖溝, 2Ki 3:16) and b) spiritually (獻祭/church building/spiritual build up)  (Alan Zhang)

  • 在異象中看見生命河靈糧堂的樓頂平台上停了幾部直昇機,那裡有穿戴整齊的軍人將直昇機的救援梯往上伸,好像天梯一樣功用的梯子向雲端升上去,就有許多人從 教會爬上梯子到了空中。我感覺到神要特別眷顧那些屬靈得勝者的腳步和靈程,神將要提昇他們超越過去的困難和現有的環境,更上一層往屬靈的天梯行。我又看見 教堂裡面的一大群會眾手牽著手熱烈的禱告,形成一股力量往上衝。天空的雲層起了變化,發出類似閃電、聲音、雷轟的景象把生命河附近區域性黑暗權勢的地標摧 毀。又看見一群由天使組成的消防隊員帶著消防水管進入我們教會到了樓頂平台,向下面的四周灑水成為恩雨降在地上各處。從這個異象當中我覺得下一個年度,我 們教會將會興起一群有改變屬靈氣候恩膏的代禱者,因著禱告仇敵被瓦解,也帶下神突破性的恩典與祝福有如甘霖降下。(Migi Liu)

  • During the worship, I had a vision of walls tumbling down.   Earlier this afternoon, I was led to read Ezra and Nehemiah when I was praying for the prayer meeting.  I had an impression that the Lord has turned us ( church and individuals) into a season of restoring and rebuilding (starting in September).  He will restore and rebuild not only the structure (temple, Jerusalem walls) but also the orders and relations (keeping Sabbath, re-establish poistions and serving of Levites in the temple and social orders among Jews).  
    The Lord has given us the anoiting of breakthrough. With the power and anoiting, we are capable of breaking the barriers in the way, bondages in our lives and restoring the relations with our family, co-workers and friends.

    Capped with Isaiah 45:2-3, I was confirmed last by the Lord that His promise is real and is actually happening--He is going before us, He is leveling the mountains, He is breaking down the gates of bronze and cutting through bars of iron and He will give us treasures of darkness, riches stored in secret places.  

    After prophetic team's sharing, Pastor Doris sensed that the Lord has also given words to someone in the assembly to share.  Brother Shao Yang spoke up and said " the Lord will bring back to you all that you have lost during the years of drought!"  Hallelujah! Amen! (Robert Huang) 
  • 在異象中看見劉彤牧師站在一艘船上撒網,大量的魚被捕上來網都快被撐破了。接著看見教會同工開著其它三條船,與劉牧師的船一人拉網的一個角,合力 把更大的 網更多的魚從深海中拉上來,此時看見耶穌基督從網中浮現到海面上。我覺得這個異象中神向我們傳達幾個訊息,第一是神已經為我們預備好了撒網捕魚的時機。第 二是有效的福音策略,神國度的擴張,弟兄姐妹與教會領袖團隊,同心合意的在水深之處撒天國之網。信徒靈命的晉昇使信徒一同參與福音的事工,並且教會領導秩 序的建造帶入五重職事的根基,也就是落實裝備聖徒、各盡其職的策略,不但會有更多的人來信主,更有神榮耀的彰顯與同在。(Migi Liu)

  • Gospel/Witnessing of Jesus (Rev 11:3) - I saw Rev 11:3 in a vision, then 11:2. (我要使我那兩個見證人,穿著毛衣,傳道一千二百六十天。And I will give power to My two witnesses, and they will prophesy a thousand, two hundred and sixty days, clothed in sackcloth) The HS said the ultimate breakthrough anointing is the anointing on this two witness. If we are determined to witness for Jesus in any aspect of our life (job, finance. family etc.), we will have breakthrough there. It's also time that God's measuring His Church and individual Believers(Rev 11:1-2, And a reed like a rod was given to me. And the angel stood, saying, Rise up and measure the temple of God, and the altar, and those who worship in it. But leave out the court which is outside the temple, and do not measure it, for it was given to the nations. And they will trample the holy city forty-two months. ) (Alan Zhang)
  • 在異象中看見劉彤牧師從教會檔案櫃當中抽出一個檔案夾,裡面寫著啟示錄 22:1-2 的經文。從劉牧師的手中,檔案夾流出一條河來,河水是用鹽調和過的。河水流經的兩邊,有非洲的小孩每人手拿一個量杯來承接這生命河之水,接了水之後這些小 孩好喜樂。異象的下一個畫面是非洲的地圖,地圖上放置了許多非洲小孩的量杯,分佈在非洲南半部的部份,所佔的面積大約是非洲50%的地土,這一部份的面積 由灰色轉變成為銀色。我覺得神要使用生命河靈糧堂成為非洲的祝福,生命河具有生命氣息的餵養與支援、和帶著聖潔公義的事工流到非洲,除了現有西非的事工和 分堂之外,將會有更多的分堂在非洲南半部被建立起來。這一部份的地方也將會有許多新一代 (下一代) 屬靈領袖群被撫育起來。除了靈糧堂在非洲的植堂之外,加上其它更多宣教機構的事工,救恩將要更多的臨到南非洲。(Migi Liu)

  • 在異 象中我走到二期工程的地方,看見裡面積滿了水。走到水的中心看見有塞子塞住出水口,把塞子拔起來之後水仍舊下不去,我聽到神的聲音吩咐說要倒鹽下去治 水。我覺得神要我們以聖潔和公義做在我們生命的源頭,不單是外面的工程翻新整修,裡面的生命更要被重新治理和對付。鹽塊被丟下去之後我看見水管通了,積水 流乾了之後,從出口處湧上清澈的活水,接著我看見豐沛水勢的瀑布四面環繞,這表示神應許豐盛的恩典臨到我們。 (Migi Liu)

  • I was in store when the Spirit said "我要我的教會成為一個圣潔無瑕疵的新婦。。。" I asked God how, and He said, "through Love of God". Then I asked how to cultivate and maintain this Love of God, and the answer is "Fire"! Then I asked how to keep the fire going, and the answer is we need to have a "core" which is burning fully. We need to have a core group of people "burning" fully for Jesus before any meaningful revival will take place. I saw a silver, rounded core in the middle of fire. The HS then pointed me to Rev 4. We need to have our "24 elders" in place who know how to worship God and dwell in His Presence. They shall possess kingly anointing ("crown") and chosen by God but not man. They shall know the times and seasons (4:9) and are in sync spiritually w/ the Spirit. (Alan Zhang)

  • When Ps Tong led us to pray for Olympic, I saw Chinese character "箭"(arrow) and then a "hidden" quiver (箭袋). I saw in the spirit this "hidden" quiver is ROLCC and it's time to release the arrows to spiritually impact China. Later I saw into the quiver and there were three shining white mental arrow heads on top, others still hidden. These three represent Teaching, Healing, and Prophetic (later Ps Tong shared Isa 49,...49:2 他使我的口如快刀,將我藏在他手蔭之下;又使我成為磨亮的箭,將我藏在他箭袋之中; Isa 49:3 對我說:你是我的僕人以色列;我必因你得榮耀。 ) (Alan Zhang)
  • when we prayed for the revival of the land, I saw large Fire lit up on the platform, but the Spirit said we at a stage of being warmed up by the fire, our heart still not yet fully warm to the revival. We need to BE in the middle of this fire, not standing by. Translation: many of us are only only attracted by revival at "surface" value, deep down in our heart we don't have yet the resonating "cry-out" for revival. Why? other things occupy our heart. This is why Psalm 11:3(根基若毀壞,義人還能做什麼呢?) was given to be shared when I first woke up in the morning (Alan Zhang)
  • The HS responded to our prayer, as shared in the meeting, "Tell my people, when you boldly go forth in My strength and on My mission, the seemingly-delayed Revival will catch up w/ you!" (Alan Zhang)
  • Dan 6:27(他護庇人,搭救人,在天上地下施行神蹟奇事,救了但以理脫離獅子的口。)  (Robert Huang)

  • At about 4:44am I saw a vision of a wooden stick, skinless and dry, stood in the the middle of glittering sands. A whirlwind came and circled the shaft clockwise. Before long, all the golden sands were gone, revealing the black soil underground. "Surly now the stick will start to grow, now that we see the ground is favorable", I though to myself. A tidal wave of tsunami overwhelmed the scene. Now the stick was deep underwater. I could see sun lights beaming down from above. A miraculous thing started to happen: at the top of the stick a green leaf appeared and broke through to the surface. The Sun greeted the leaf will splendid rays. The Spirit said, "You must get to know my true nature: I am the Lights!" Comments: A) the wood stick is our natural life/old self B) the "golden sands" is the worldly things we treasures and in the eye of God they are indeed sands/worthless. I perceived during the vision that what's happened for the last few years (economy, natural disasters, war etc)is a move of God to remove the "sands" surrounding His people so that they could come back to Him. C) and this "removing of sands" is not the only phase, the next move will more drastic to say the least ("tsunami"). We are only at the closing phase of phase one, and more is to come at phase two. (Alan Zhang)




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